Overview of SQL

This is an overview of the Structured Query Language or SQL.


Learning Sample Database

To illustrate SQL syntax, the next few sections will use content from the Professional Certification in Data Engineering Course module 4 example database. This database has a Students & Colleges Entity with properties as shown below:

Some Boilerplate SQL to Get us Started

To get us started and make the rest of the notes easier, use this boilerplate SQL to get going:

SET character_set = UTF8MB4;

This removes the education database if it already exists. This way we can restart our work on a freshly restored state. The it creates the database again with the same name. Finally the last two lines sets the character set to the common UTF8MB4.

USE a Database

The USE keyword in SQL tells the database management system exactly what database to use for the next commands. It's pretty simple, merely type USE then the name of the database to use.

USE `education`;

CREATE a Table

Tables are the heart of the relational database management system. They need a table name, column names and keys. To actually create a table you also need to decide the data types for each table. There's other optional features for a table:

The CREATE keyword is how tables (and other units) are created. To create a table use CREATE TABLE together.

CREATE TABLE `Colleges` (
`CollegeID` int NOT NULL,
`Name` varchar (20) NOT NULL,
`Students` int NULL,
`City` varchar (15) NULL,
`Region` varchar (15) NULL,
`Country` varchar (15) NULL

Now how when definining the columns and constraints of each column the pattern is: A parentheses to enclose the table column definitions, A quoted string for the name of each property, then data type, then the constraints of the column like whether it can be NULL, finally a delimiter , to seperate each column definition. At the end of the parentheses are some common default values we'll get into later. Use this to recreate the Colleges table any time it's needed.


The SHOW keyword will show different units of the database system. The SHOW TABLES keywords together will tell the database to show all the tables present in the database. Whenever you need to tell a database to do operations on a table, first you need to tell it which table it is and this allows you to see all the table names. This is useful as well when exploring a database and finding its structure.



Sometimes when creating databases you will need to delete an entire table, of course being careful about it. DROP TABLE is a keyword to allow you to delete a table in a database in USE. It is followed by a name string for a table

DROP TABLE `Colleges`;

Now you see after the SHOW TABLES command the table Colleges is gone.

Using USE, DROP, CREATE together to Recreate Database State

By combining these previous commands USE, DROP, CREATE together, it's now possible to keep recreating a database as you work on it. Now the initial state you want for a database before you modify it can be recreated. So when changes to it are made while working on it, you always have a script to return it to a clean state. When combined it would look something like this

USE `education`;


CREATE TABLE `Colleges` (
`CollegeID` int NOT NULL,
`Name` varchar (20) NOT NULL,
`Students` int NULL,
`City` varchar (15) NULL,
`Region` varchar (15) NULL,
`Country` varchar (15) NULL

SELECT Records FROM a Table

The SELECT keyword lets us select the records from existing database tables. Using the Colleges table in the education database:

USE education;
SELECT * FROM Colleges;

This will return a tabulated result of all the records in the Colleges table. This includes their columns and cells for any data stored in there. The * wildcard operator tells SELECT to select all columns. There could however be a parentheses enclosed (ColumnA, ColumnB) used instead. The FROM keyword at the end directs the SELECT command to select from the Colleges table only. All SELECT commands need a following FROM to specify the table.

SELECT WHERE a Record IS a Value

The WHERE keyword following SELECT then FROM defines what constraints the selection should follow when selecting records. This means that a(n) column(s) can be specified WHERE you expect a certain value IS present.

Students IS NULL;

This SELECTs all columns FROM the Colleges table WHERE the number of Students IS zero, or in this case NULL.

WHERE a Column IS a Value

The IS keyword in the example above specifies a constraint defined by WHERE should be equal to something. In the case above that is for empty Colleges, represented by the NULL value.

Add a PRIMARY KEY to a Table

A primary key as mentioned in the database design overview, is a constraint that uniquely identifies each row/record in that table.

CREATE TABLE `Colleges` (
`Name` varchar (20) NOT NULL,
`Students` int NULL,
`City` varchar (15) NULL,
`Region` varchar (15) NULL,
`Country` varchar (15) NULL,

Here we recreate the Colleges table. Note how the keyword PRIMARY KEY specifies CollegeID to be the primary key. You'll also note that the CollegeID definition line above has a new keyword. That keyword is AUTO_INCREMENT. This is needed to specify the primary key specific constraint on how it will behave for every new record. In this case it will increase the value by 1 on every new record.

Database Datatypes

When you create tables you need to make decisions on the datatypes of each column. There are several types & they may differ for each database management system. However, the most common ones show up in most of them. Here is a table of the MYSQL ones and the common names for them on other platforms.

Types on other DBs MySQL Type

As time goes by, you will get more comfortable with all the nuances between them. Don't focus too much on picking exactly the right type. Just pick something simple that works. Worry about optimization later.

Most Important MySQL Types

Type Description
CHAR(size) Fixed-length string, size parameter specifies length in characters.
VARCHAR(size) Variable-length string, size param specifies length in characters
BINARY(size) Equal to CHAR(), but stores binary byte strings.
BIT(size) Bit-value type, parameter size specifies # bits in ea. record (1...64)
BOOL/BOOLEAN In this datatype, 0 is considered false, any other val is true.
​​INT(n)/INTEGER(n) Integer value, size param describes how many digits to visualize.
FLOAT(p) Floating-point value, * read asterisk footnote below
DATE A date in the format: YYYY-MM-DD.
DATETIME(fsp) A date and time value in the format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
TIME(fsp) A time in the format: hh:mm:ss.

NOTE: the * above is to move the long description here: Floating-point value, param p used to determine if the record should be a regular floating-point number or a value.

Futher Reading

Many other datatypes are supported by MySQL and an exhaustive list can be found in the Official MySQL Documentation.

In addition to what you have learned about datatypes, here is a suggestion for a related topic you can explore on your own as you adopt the engineering mindset.


INDEXing Tables

When reading a book you wouldn't read the whole thing to find a key word you're interested in. We instead take a shortcut by using indices to certain words that point to the page they're in.

The same is true in databases. As the data size increases it's going to take increasingly longer time to access any particular data. This scales worse than linearly in some cases. With an index, the database can quickly determine the position in log(n) time.

So why wouldn't we index every column? Same reason for a book, it means the index is larger than the book. Adding or removing data from an index costs a lot and an index in persistence takes extra space. However there are some situations where they really help. Ideally WORM data or Write Once Read Many really benefits from an index.

WORM Data Considerations

Adding Indices

Let's revisit the Colleges table from before and rebuild it from scratch with the new indices:

CREATE TABLE `Colleges` (
`Name` varchar (20) NOT NULL,
`Students` int NULL,
`City` varchar (15) NULL,
`Region` varchar (15) NULL,
`Country` varchar (15) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`CollegeID`),
INDEX `CollegeID` (`CollegeID`, ASC)
INDEX `Name` (`Name`, ASC)

The INDEX keyword specifies that CollegeID should be indexed in ASCending order. And that's all there really is to it. You add a comma delimited field in CREATE TABLE for the INDEX constraint. Then give the name of the column to index by. Then inside a () parenthesis closure specify the column again and the order to index it in. The sort order can also be in DSC or descending order.

You'll also note the Name column is INDEXed. This is because it will rarely change. But it will often be read in a sorted order when someone is trying to order the colleges by name. Therefore it's a good candidate for an INDEX.

Now that there are two indices in the Colleges table, accessing any data from it will go much faster.

CREATE INDEX after the Fact

You can also CREATE INDEXes after the table is made.

CREATE INDEX stats_index ON stats (average_fare,average_trip_duration)

Further Reading

For more information it might be good to read up on MySQL's documentation on indexes.

Also, Red-Gate's tutorial on SQL syntaxed indexing, and the Data School's article on query usage of indexes.

Types of Indices

There are two types of indexing in SQL: clustered & non-clustered.

Clustered indexes are the unique index that uses the primary key to organize the data within the table. Clustered indices are generated automatically when the table is created, and they use the primary key sorted in ASCending order.

One could open the book at "Thom Smith" & find all the info for all the people that have "Smith" as their last name next to each other.

This makes clustered indices great for retrieving data on range-based queries since all the data is located close together. Because clustered indices are related to how the data is stored, there can only be one possibility for each table.

On the other hand, a non-clustered index is different because you can have many of them and they all point to the data in the clustered index.

Considering again the phone book example, one could define a non-clustered index keyed on town.

Suppose now you had to search through the phone book for all the people who live in "London". If you only used the clustered index from the previous example, you would have to search every single item in the phone book because the key on the clustered index is lastname, firstname.

As a result, the people living in London are scattered randomly throughout the index and, therefore, the query would not run efficiently.

If you have a non-clustered index on town, then these queries can be performed much more quickly.

ALTERing a Table

The ALTER keyword allows you to modify a table after you have defined the columns that you would like to have there.

For example, the correct syntax to add a primary key to the column column_name in table table_name is:

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PRIMARY KEY(column_name)

This is true for every other CREATE then a constraint syntax.

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_b int NOT NULL

ALTER a Table by DROPing a Column

Sometimes you need to DROP a column to ALTER it. One example is when changing the primary key of the table. First you need to DROP the primary key constraint for a column. Then you need to ALTER the column that should be the primary key.


This DROPs table_name's primary key. Next you need to ALTER which column will be the new primary key.

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PRIMARY KEY(column_name)

Exactly as before, this above command ALTERs the column, column_name to be the primary key.

ADD a Foreign Key

Here we'll show how to ADD foreign keys. The ALTER keyword can be followed by the ADD one to ADD a constraint to a column.

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD FOREIGN KEY (parent_column_name) REFERENCEs parent_table_name(parent_column_name);

Module 5 Starts Here

For some reason there's a lot of repeat information here Consider breaking this up and removing duplicated info.

Education Database SQL Script

To continue, use the complete education database complete with sample records. Use this script whenever you need to reset the database state.

USE `education`;

SET character_set_client = UTF8MB4;

-- --------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------

CREATE TABLE `Colleges` (
`Name` varchar (20) NOT NULL,
`Students` int NULL,
`City` varchar (15) NULL ,
`Region` varchar (15) NULL ,
`Country` varchar (15) NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (`CollegeID`),
INDEX `CollegeID` (`CollegeID` ASC),
INDEX `Name` (`Name` ASC)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8MB4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;

-- --------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------

CREATE TABLE `Students` (
`CollegeID` int NOT NULL,
`FriendID` int NULL,
`FirstName` varchar (20) NOT NULL ,
`LastName` varchar (20) NOT NULL ,
`BirthDate` date NULL ,
`Email` varchar (30) NULL ,
`Phone` varchar (24) NULL ,
`City` varchar (15) NULL ,
`Region` varchar (15) NULL ,
`Country` varchar (15) NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (`StudentID`),
INDEX `StudentID` (`StudentID` ASC),
INDEX `LastName` (`LastName` ASC),
INDEX `FirstName` (`FirstName` ASC),
FOREIGN KEY (`CollegeID`) REFERENCES `Colleges` (`CollegeID`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8MB4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;

-- --------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------

INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(1,'MIT',11,'Cambridge','MA','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(2,'Brown',9,'Providence','RI','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(3,'Dartmouth',6,'Hanover','NH','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(4,'Stanford',17,'Stanford','CA','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(5,'Yale',12,'New Haven','CT','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(6,'Columbia',31,'New York','NY','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(7,'Harvard',23,'Cambridge','MA','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(8,'Princeton',9,'Princeton','NJ','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(9,'Johns Hopkins',24,'Baltimore','MD','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(10,'Northwestern',21,'Evanston','IL','USA');

INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(11,'Duke',15,'Durham','NC','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(12,'Cornell',22,'Ithaca','NY','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(13,'Notre Dame',9,'Notre Dame','IN','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(14,'UCLA',32,'Los Angeles','CA','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(15,'Berkeley',42,'Berkeley','CA','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(16,'Georgetown',5,'Washington','DC','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(17,'Michigan',45,'Ann Arbor','MI','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(18,'USC',44,'Los Angeles','CA','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(19,'Tufts',11,'Medford','MA','USA');
INSERT INTO `Colleges` VALUES(20,'NYU',51,'New York','NY','USA');

-- --------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------

INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(1,1,10,'Nancy','Davolio','1948-12-08','nancy@gmail.com','(360) 234-8488','Seattle','WA','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(2,9,5,'Andrew','Fuller','1952-02-19','andrew@yahoo.com',NULL,'Dallas','TX','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(3,8,1,'Janet','Leverling','1963-08-30','janet@hotmail.com','(786) 634-4522','Miami','FL','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(4,3,9,'Margaret','Peacock','1937-09-19','maggie@outlook.com',NULL,'Phoenix','AZ','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(5,4,2,'Steven','Buchanan','1955-03-04','steve@apple.com',NULL,'Denver','CO','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(6,7,8,'Michael','Suyama','1963-07-02','mike@icloud.com','(541) 544-7733','Portland','OR','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(7,6,3,'Robert','King','1960-05-29','rob@gmail.com',NULL,'San Francisco','CA','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(8,5,7,'Laura','Callahan','1958-01-09','laura@gmail.com','(901) 425-8913','Memphis','TN','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(9,2,4,'Anne','Dodsworth','1966-01-27','anne@msn.com',NULL,'Portland','ME','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(10,1,6,'Ivy','Johnson','1986-01-20','ivy@gmail.com',NULL,'Chicago','IL','USA');

INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(11,1,NULL,'Ana','Trujillo','1998-10-08','ana@gmail.com','(360) 457-2258','Seattle','WA','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(12,9,NULL,'Thomas','Hardy','1992-12-09','tom@yahoo.com',NULL,'Austin','TX','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(13,5,NULL,'Antonio','Moreno','1993-03-23','tony@hotmail.com',NULL,'Miami','FL','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(14,7,NULL,'Elizabeth','Brown','1997-01-11','beth@outlook.com','(480) 324-2178','Phoenix','AZ','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(15,3,NULL,'Ann','Devon','1995-04-24','ann@apple.com',NULL,'Denver','CO','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(16,2,NULL,'Ariel','Cruz','1993-02-12','ariel@icloud.com','(541) 652-4565','Portland','OR','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(17,6,NULL,'Giovanni','Rovelli',
'1990-09-19','gio@gmail.com','(415) 665-2255','San Francisco','CA','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(18,10,NULL,'Marie','Bertrand','1998-09-29','marie@gmail.com',NULL,'Memphis','TN','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(19,4,NULL,'Philip','Cramer','1996-07-17','phil@msn.com','(207) 4436-6524','Portland','ME','USA');
INSERT INTO `Students` VALUES(20,8,NULL,'Michael','Holz','1996-02-25','michael@gmail.com',NULL,'Chicago','IL','USA');

Types of SQL Statements

We've seen some basic SQL so far, let's go further

There's 3 kinds of SQL statements

The SELECT Statement and its Clauses

SELECT is an important statement and can contain several SQL clause that allows you to bring data together in a query. Other clauses can be combined with the SELECT clause like: FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY. Depending on the clause used you can select columns, retrieve data, filter data, group rows together, filter groups and sort rows.

Clause Purpose
SELECT Determines which columns to include
FROM Specifies the table data values get retrieved
WHERE Filters out unwanted data
GROUP BY Groups rows together
HAVING Filters groups
ORDER BY Sorts rows in ascending or descending order

Note: the order matters for clauses

Select Queries

Using the education database let's try some sample queries.

FROM Colleges

This selects all columns of the Colleges table, filtering nothing out so you see every record and every column.

SELECT FirstName, LastName
FROM Students

This SELECTs the FirstName & LastName columns FROM the students database. Let's rename Colleges' Name column to be University.

Labeling Queried Columns with the AS Clause

-- rename column
SELECT Name AS University
FROM Colleges

The AS clause following a SELECTed column allows you to rename the resulting column Name to University FROM the Colleges table.

Combining Multiple Queried Columns AS New Labels

You might want to further process the query results to include other columns and to change how the data is displayed. The Colleges database has a Students column as well. Maybe the database should be storing student counts as units of 1000 students. And maybe to make the results more clear number of students is a better label.

SELECT Name AS University, Students*1000 AS 'number of students'
FROM Colleges;

Entering a comma , after the first AS clause allows specifying a new clause, AS again for a new relabelling clause. This time to relabel Students AS number of students for clarity. It's also possible to perform operations like multiplying the resulting query.

Bringing Columns together with AS clauses and SQL Functions

A common reason to bring together columns is to present data like FirstNames & LastNames together as a FullName.

SELECT FirstName, LastName,
CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', LastName) AS FullName
FROM Students;

Using a SQL function like CONCAT() allows you to concatenate strings together to create a FullName column label along with AS.

Exercise using AS Clause


Try and get this following table using the SELECT AS FROM clauses.

FirstName LastName BirthDate Age
Nancy Davolio 1948-12-08 74
Andrew Fuller 1952-02-19 70
Janet Leverling 1963-08-30 59
Margaret Peacock 1937-09-19 85
Steven Buchanan 1955-03-04 67
Michael Suyama 1963-07-02 59
Robert King 1960-05-29 62
Laura Callahan 1958-01-09 65
Anne Dodsworth 1966-01-27 56
Ivy Johnson 1986-01-20 37
Ana Trujillo 1998-10-08 24
Thomas Hardy 1992-12-09 30
Antonio Moreno 1993-03-23 29
Elizabeth Brown 1997-01-11 26
Ann Devon 1995-04-24 27
Ariel Cruz 1993-02-12 29
Giovanni Rovelli 1990-09-19 32
Marie Bertrand 1998-09-29 24
Philip Cramer 1996-07-17 26
Michael Holz 1996-02-25 26


-- Get Student FirstName, LastName, BirthDate and
-- Compute Age column from now to their birthdate
SELECT FirstName, LastName, BirthDate,
) + 0 AS Age
FROM Students;

By using several SQL functions it's possible to compute the Age, in years, of all the students.

Arithmetic Operators

When performing arithmetic operations in SQL, the order of operations matter. Let's explore this with some sample queries.

SELECT Name, Students * 1000 - 100 AS modified
FROM Colleges;

Clearly, some form of PEMDAS is at play.

The WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause is one of the most important clauses when it comes to querying data. SELECT specifies the columns to query and WHERE allows us to filter the results of those columns.

FROM Students
WHERE Region='TX'

Here the WHERE clause asks for a column to meet a condition. So the result of the query is whatever rows result in true for the boolean expression(s) WHERE specifies in its clause. Here, the conditional expression is ='TX' or is TX. There are several other boolean conditionals that can be used:

Condition Categories Example
Comparison operators =,<=,>=,<,>
Logical operators AND, OR, NOT
Lists IN, NOT IN
Unknown Values IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
Character matches LIKE, NOT LIKE

Exercise: WHERE Birthdate After Jan 1st 1990

Try redoing the above SQL query, but this time WHERE all students are born after 1990-01-01.

USE education;
FROM Students
WHERE BirthDate>'1990-01-01'

Logical Operators

SELECT statements can be combined with logical operators to refine the results returned by your query. Logical operators, such as AND, NOT, or OR can combine multiple expressions to return the desired record with much more nuance. These are the boolean logic operators:

Operator Description
AND, && Logical AND
NOT, ! Negates value
OR, `
XOR Logical XOR

Let's see how we can combine multiple WHERE conditions together using logical operators to increase the nuance of the query filter.

FROM Students
Birthdate > '1990-01-01'
AND Region='TX'

Note how AND gets used in the WHERE condition above. It means only one Student is selected of StudentID 12.

Also note, there is a precedence for these operations:

  1. Parenthesis
  2. Multiplication or division
  3. Subtraction or addition
  4. NOT
  5. AND
  6. OR

Further Reading

To read more about the details on logical operators in sql, here are some detailed notes about logical operators in SQL.


Write a query that selects all students born after 1950 from Texas and Austin.


FROM Students
Birthdate > '1950-12-31'
AND Region = 'TX'
AND City = 'Austin'

The IN & NOT IN Operators

Although we can express most of our queries in terms of logical and comparison operators, oftentimes we want to make use of the built-in syntax to simplify and make our queries more transparant.

One of these built-in syntaxes is the IN & NOT IN.

Operator Syntax
IN expr IN (value1, value2, ..., valueN)
NOT IN expr NOT IN (value1, value2, ..., valueN)

Let's see how we use them in a query:

FROM Students
Region = 'AZ' OR
Region = 'TX' OR
Region = 'FL'

We could write our query like above. It does work in selecting Students from AZ,TX, or FL. However, using IN in this query cleans it up considerably.

FROM Students
WHERE Region IN ('AZ', 'TX', 'FL');

This achieves exactly the same query results. However, this is much more readable, transparent, and performant.

FROM Students
WHERE Region NOT IN ('AZ', 'TX', 'FL');

To get the inverse set of the previous query, use the NOT IN keyword in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement.

The BETWEEN Operator

The BETWEEN operator could be compared to a combination of a comparison and logical operator. Below is its syntax table.

Operator Syntax
BETWEEN expr BETWEEN min_value AND max_value

This significantly cleaner than the other ways you'd express this condition. Say we were trying to match a range of IDs when it comes to Students. One of the things we could do is to enter StudentID >= 1 AND StudentID <= 5.

FROM Students
WHERE StudentID >= 1 AND
StudentID <= 5;

However, it would be much simpler, transparent, and performant if instead we used the below query.

FROM Students

The same output comes from both these queries, though again, the latter one is much better to use in this case.

The NULL Operator

NULL may behave a little different than you might think. That is because NULL is a placeholder for unknown information. It's not representing a zero or blank.

Let's take a look at an example query using it.

FROM Students

If you run the above query, you will see there are no results. All records of the Country column have a value and it isn't NULL.

We could also say a record IS NOT NULL to get the inverse.

FROM Students

Now you get all the records since all of them have non-NULL values in their Country column.

Something that may throw you at first is that operations with anything that is NULL are NULL themselves. That is, they are unknown.

Say, FirstName, and multiply that by NULL, let's see what we get

FROM Students

We get a single column of NULL values. That is because this is again, not blank, zero or an empty string. It's a seperate kind of entity to represent an unknown value. So if you take an operation that takes an unknown value, you get an unknown value.

The LIKE Operator

When we search for data, many times we want a pattern. Sometimes a specific number or specific number of characters. As you can see here the LIKE operator allows us to match any number of characters.

Operator Syntax
LIKE expr LIKE pattern ('%' any No. chars., '_' matches only one)

Let's see how we use this in practice. So say we're looking for names starting with an 'a'.

FROM Students
WHERE FirstName LIKE 'A%'

We want LIKE to match FirstNames starting with A, then any number of characteres. So we use the % operator after the A.

All the FirstNames in the result start with A. Let's say we wanted to be a little bit more explicit.

FROM Students
WHERE FirstName LIKE 'An%'

When we change the An%, the Ariel name no longer shows up.

Let's say we wanted Ariel back in the results.

FROM Students
WHERE FirstName LIKE 'A%l'

We can match the closing and ending character sequences and leave the middle as a wildcard.

Let's say we wanted to match a specific number of unknown characters, maybe four unknown characters that end in y?

FROM Students
WHERE FirstName LIKE '____y'

In the Students table Nancy matches that LIKE operator pattern.

Regular Expressions

The LIKE expression clause can be used with Regular Expressions or RegEx. A RegEx is a sequence of characters that defines a pattern to search through text.

Regular Expressions in SQL

The REGEXP keyword in a query clause can be used along with a regular expression string to find results matching a pattern defined in the regular expression.

FROM Students
WHERE LastName REGEXP 'a|m|c';

This will return all Students with a LastName matching the RegEx, a|m|c, or all last names containing an a, m, or c.


In databases we model information using tables and relationships between tables. So when we need to answer questions about our data that means bringing together tables. We call that joining. And there five basic types of joins: Inner joins, Self Joins, Left Joins, Right Joins and Full Joins.

A Simple Joining Tables Example

To make it easier to explain joins, use this basic example of a table:

Students Table

StudentID Name Phone Email
1 John 123-345-4567 john@mit.edu
2 Alex 000-034-6758 alex@mit.edu
3 Mary 345-768-4959 mary@mit.edu
7 Jessica 485-936-9485 jessica@mit.edu

Courses Table

CourseID StudentID
123 1
456 2
789 3
486 8

Inner Join

There are a number of joins and we'll start here with the inner join. Inner joins bring two tables together based on a common column both share.

SELECT table1.column, tabl2.column
FROM table1
ON table1.column = table2.column

Let's try an inner join on the Education database. Remember Students has a foreign key CollegeID in Colleges. We'll take advantage of that fact to bring these two tables toegether.

S.FirstName, S.LastName,
C.CollegeID, C.Name
FROM Students S
ON S.CollegeID = C.CollegeID

As you can see you get a results table with columns for FirstName, LastName, CollegeID, & Name. Note how you need to specify the table each column comes from. This is easier by aliasing the table to shorten the name. Here Colleges is aliased to C & Students to S.

The FROM & INNER JOIN clauses specify the tables being joined. ON Then sets up the condition for how the INNER JOIN brings the tables together, by matching with the CollegeID column from each.

Self Join

Self joins can seem a bit counter intuitive because they combine the data from the same table. The purpose is to combine then compare data within a table. The SELF JOIN keyword in SQL follows this pattern in a query statement.

SELECT column_name
FROM table AS t1
INNER JOIN table AS t2
ON table1.column = table2.column

It gets simpler when you think of them as two separate tables. And if you compare this pattern using the INNER JOIN discussed before, but you perform the inner join on two instances of the same table, it starts to make more sense. The pattern is the same if you have two tables, one aliased AS a different label as the other.

In the Students table there is a column FriendID. This might've seen counter-intuitive before. But with self joins it makes a lot more sense. With a self join between StudentID & FriendID you suddenly get a useful result from the relationship that is self referential from the Students table's perspective.

S.StudentID, S.FirstName, S.LastName, F.FirstName, F.LastName
FROM Students AS S
ON S.FriendID = F.StudentID

You get the results table below, which shows first the FirstName & LastName of a student, then the FirstName & LastName of that student's friend.

StudentID S.FirstName S.LastName F.FirstName F.LastName
1 Nancy Davolio Ivy Johnson
2 Andrew Fuller Steven Buchanan
3 Janet Leverling Nancy Davolio
4 Margaret Peacock Anne Dodsworth
5 Steven Buchanan Andrew Fuller
6 Michael Suyama Laura Callahan
7 Robert King Janet Leverling
8 Laura Callahan Robert King
9 Anne Dodsworth Margaret Peacock
10 Ivy Johnson Michael Suyama

Left Join

The left join returns all rows of the table on the left side of the join and the matching rows on the right side of the join.

Right Join

Same thing but the left side rows must match, and the right shows all rows.

Full Join

Combines the results of both the left and right joins. This means there will be a lot of data that can't be matched. Those extra columns are added to the result and for the rows that have no data for both the left and right joins, the value NULL is given.

Module 6 of PCDE Starts Here


Database Analysis involves a lot of SQL. Those notes belong below this section. TODO: this needs to be cleaned up into a more coherent organization of sections.

NOTE: From now on it is assumed we're using the "Bad Sakila" database

Exploring a Database

Exploring a pre-existing database is a big part of data analysis. In fact it's so big it has a fancy name and acronym, Exploratory Data Analysis or EDA.

Though it can be done with many frameworks, tools and programming languages, SQL being the language to query data, it makes most sense to perform EDA using SQL.

There's a whole subject of performing EDA with SQL that is worth looking into whenever it comes to exploring data using SQL.

Loading Schema & Data Files into Databases

To load data & schema into a database:

export tmp_pass="yOuR-PaSsWorD"
mysql -u root -p $tmp_pass -e DROP bad_sakila IF EXISTS; CREATE DATABASE bad_sakila
mysql -u root -p $tmp_pass bad_sakila < bad-sakila-schema.sql
mysql -u root -p $tmp_pass bad_sakila < bad-sakila-data.sql
unset tmp_pass

Here we first create a temporary environment variable tmp_pass with our password given to the root of the database. Then we use that password and root user to login to the database to run two SQL statements: DROP bad_sakila IF EXISTS to remove the data & schema if it already exists, CREATE DATABASE bad_sakila to recreate a new database to restore state. Then we run two commands to load the schema then data files into the database. Finally, unset the tmp_pass variable to make sure your password isn't leaking.

Visualizing Data in SQL

SQL offers several ways to either aid in external programs not using SQL have grouped and organized data to visualize or to directly visualize the data using SQL itself.

GROUP BY as used before to join and analyze relationships in data, can also be used along with other functions like RPAD to directly visualize data. For more details, see the notes on visualizing data using SQL

Cleaning Data

Cleaning data is one of the most important tasks to perform when working with data. It's of crucial importance to ensure the data in databases is consistent. There are various techniques using SQL to clean data within a database.

Date & Time

One of the most common datatypes in SQL are related to dates & time. The most difficult part of working with them is to make sure the format is correct between all values. This can mean different formatting of date units like month or minute, etc.

There's a lot to be learned about Dates & Times in SQL, to learn more, read about Dates & Time in SQL

Further Reading

This topic is expansive and nuanced, see Regular Expressions for more details.


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Referenced By

TODO Fill in this section with references to: