Python Collections




Looping Over a List Using Index

a = [1,2,3]
b = []
for index in range(0,len(a)):
print(f"index: {index}")
b.append(a[index] * 2)

Enumerate Over a List

Enumerating a collection is when you get both the order and values of a collection. It's possible to use the enumerate() global function that takes any collection. It will return an iterator that returns a tuple of both the index and value.

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = []
for index, value in enumerate(a):
print(f"index: {index}, value: {value}")

Looping Over Dictionary key:value Pairs

Enumerating a Dictionary is functionally the same, but syntactically different. First, the Dictionary method items() is necessary to return an iterator for the dictionary. This iterator returns a tuple of every key and associated value in the dictionary.

c = {0:1, 1:2, 2:3}
for key, value in c.items():
print(f"key: {key}, value: {value}")

It's also possible to use the keys() method, a part of dictionaries, instead. This is an iterator that returns every key (in order) of the dictionary. Then you setup a loop that enumerates every value associated with said key.

c = {0:1, 1:2, 2:3}
for key in c.keys():
value = c[key]
print(f"key: {key}, value: {value}")

List Out all the Words in this Sentence

To separate strings, the split() string method takes a delimiter string, which it then searches for and splits out the strings separated by that string.

s = "There were many people at the theatre and the crowd cheered as the band started playing a slow waltz"
print(s.split()) # A list with every word in the sentence as an item

How many Unique Words are There?

One of the best ways to test for uniqueness of a collection, is to use another collection, sets. Every item placed into a set collection will get stored. It will not store any item more than once, meaning every item within a set is unique. They are also useful for quickly being able to check if something has occurred. Sets store values by hashing them which is a O(1) operation vs searching a list using a loop, an O(n) operation.

mySet = set(s)

Using Dictionaries to Count Frequency of Occurrence

Dictionaries can store anything in a quickly searchable structure. This is great when representing the frequency of an item in a collection. Take the string s from above, there's some words that occur more than once. Counting this is best done with a dictionary.

words = {}
s_no_punctuation = replace(',', '')
for word in s_no_punctuation:
if word in words:
words[word] += 1
words[word] = 1

Make a 2D List (Matrix) so it has the Numbers 0-63

mat = list(range(0,64))
count = 0
def makeMatrix(a,n1,n2):
M = []
for row in range(0,n1):
r = []
for col in range(0,n2)
count += 1
return M
A = makeMatrix(mat,8,8)

Dictionary Comprehension

Comprehensions are a neat feature of python to create inline collections. These collection comprehensions are capable of defining complex list operations. To do this with dictionaries, within a curly bracket set, first include the mapping of each value you want. Then follow that by a looping statement, like for key, value in c.items(). This will then setting up the looping variables to use. And finally and optionally, a condition to filter out values.

c = {0:1, 1:2, 2:3}
d = {key: value*7 for key, value in c.items() if key == 1}
print(d) # {1:14}

List Comprehension

The same comprehensions are possible with lists, but inside square brackets. Again, a comprehension consists of a mapping expression, iteration expression and optional conditional statement.

a = [1, 2, 3]
r = [item*3 for item in a if item < 3]
